“This shield is not just a historical artifact; it is a symbol of Ethiopia’s history and resilience,” said Prince Ermias in a statement. “Our efforts and success in regaining this treasure is a testament to our commitment to preserve our heritage and honor our ancestors who fought for our nation’s sovereignty.”
RET was assisted by British scholar Alula Pankhurst. Pankhurst, an expert in Ethiopian history, is the grandson of English activist Sylvia Pankhurst, who advocated for Ethiopia after it was invaded by Italy in 1936.
“It has been an honor to work with Prince Ermias and the Royal Ethiopian Trust to return this significant piece of history to its people,” said Pankhurst in a statement. “Our families have long been dedicated to safeguarding Ethiopia’s heritage, and ensuring that this shield returns to the Ethiopian people is a proud continuation of that legacy.”
The shield is currently on display at the Toledo Museum of Art in Ohio, where it will remain on view through October 27, concurrent with the museum’s exhibition “Ethiopia at the Crossroads.” Following its November return, it will be on display at the National Museum of Ethiopia.