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Yekatit 12 (የካቲት፲፪) /
February 19: Martyrs Day


This press release is issued in observance of the 87th anniversary of the Massacre of 30,000 Ethiopians in Addis Ababa by Fascist Italy. Three days that should indelibly remain in infamyFebruary 19th, 20th and 21st 1937.

The Global Alliance for Justice the Ethiopian Cause (GAJEC) once again invokes a most heinous Crime against humanity committed on February 19th, 20th and 21st 1937 or otherwise known in Amharic: ( የካቲት 12 የሰማዕታት ፡ ቀን )- Romanized: Yekatit 12 the Dy of Martyrs) in Memoriam to the victims of little known war Crime that is neglected, covered up and ignored by the Allied Powers and abandoned by the UN War Crime Commission, UNWCC. A modern war crime for which justice is yet to be rendered.

A War Crime that no fake diplomatic mask or no armistice deal with war criminals should hide. A modem war Crime so cruel and barbaric Committed Fascist Italy whose massacre of innocent civilians who were burned alive, shot, stabbed, or blown up with grenades. Following an assassination attempt on Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, who was at the time Marquis of Negligee, and Viceroy of the Italian East Africa for three days and three nights an an unprecedented systematic terror was unleashed where by 30, 000 innocent men, women, children and elders were murdered in the most cruel methods known to man. The so called Italian Black Shirts, a paramilitary group belonging to the National Italian Fascist Party along with resident Italian civilians and laborers were anned and given a cart Blanche order to kill Ethiopians indiscriminately.

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The Shield of Magdala, an artifact of tremendous cultural significance that was looted by British troops during the Expedition to Abyssinia, is set to be returned to its home country of Ethiopia. Stolen following the 1868 Battle of Magdala, which saw the mountain fortress of Emperor Tewodros II captured and hundreds of treasures, including the emperor’s crown, stolen by British forces, the shield had been scheduled to be publicly auctioned this past Februrary by UK auction house Anderson and Garland. Instead, the auction house pulled it from sale under duress from the Ethiopian government and negotiated its repatriation with the Royal Ethiopian Trust (RET), a nonprofit established by Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie, grandson of Emperor Haile-Selassie I, to preserve and promote Ethiopia’s culture and economy.


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